La Rabida Patient Gives Back

We always enjoy seeing our patients and their families when they visit us for appointments, but we’re honored when they visit to give back to La Rabida. Journey, a seven-year-old who has been coming here since she was only one, recently showed us how our empathy and compassion comes full circle when she accepted a challenge from a customer at her lemonade stand.

This summer, Journey ran a lemonade stand with her mother Rashada to help pay for a Nintendo Switch for herself. When a generous customer offered to pay the rest of what she needed to earn her own Switch but challenged her to raise even more to do something nice for someone else to pass it on. Journey stuck to it and raised enough to buy TWO of the best Nintendo Switches available – one for herself and one for our patients! “This one has all the games, and you can also use it to play with friends,” Journey said, adding that she’s happy that her donation will help make our patients happy and comfortable while they’re here.

One of our Child Life Specialists met with Journey and talked about the impact her donation will have on our patients. “Our kids are out of their routine, and they need fun too. This Nintendo Switch will help them have fun and be happy. Thank you so much, Journey!” he said.

Journey’s story has even caught the attention of Chaz Ebert, who visited La Rabida with Journey to film an interview with her and our president and CEO, Rola Sweis, about compassion and empathy when she came to deliver the Switch. Stay tuned to see where that lands!

Thank you, Journey, for your kind and generous actions. You make the world a better place.

More Lemonade!




Our patients aren’t the only ones making a difference. Meet Lissette, a 10 year old with a BIG heart. For her double-digit birthday she ran a lemonade stand to raise money to support La Rabida! On a hot June day, Lisette sold enough lemonade to raise $1,200 for our kids and families. Her mom says she’s “so proud of her selflessness, care for others, and kindness. We’re proud that she thinks of others before herself.” We are too!