

La Rabida is partnered with Dare2Tri this summer to offer adaptive cycling practices. At the beginning of the month, Dare2Tri made a visit to La Rabida’s Outpatient Unit to give some of our patients a chance to ride an adaptive bike.

As a community partner, Dare2Tri helps our patients get access to adaptive cycling. They provide the opportunity to try out recumbent arm and leg propulsion bikes that are a fun and different way to work on strengthening and cardiovascular endurance while enjoying the outdoors.

Most of our patients may not get an opportunity to ride an adaptive bike without this partnership. And while it is certainly fun, getting to use these adaptive bikes is a terrific change of pace for our patients. It also gives our therapists a chance to work with them in a different way.

Even though it was HOT out, patients Jayden and Bryan got to take a ride along the shore of Lake Michigan.