Feeling the Love on Valentine’s Day

The Gem on the Lake was filled with love this Valentine’s Day thanks to our friends at SHE 100.3 and Holiday Heroes!

SHE 100.3 hosted their annual Valentine’s Day card drive for La Rabida and encouraged their listeners to create thoughtful, handmade valentines with our patients in mind. After properly quarantining the cards to prevent the spread of germs, our team distributed the cards to our kids across the hospital.

Due to COVID-19 Holiday Heroes couldn’t host their annual Valentine’s Day celebration for our patients and their families, but they still helped make it a day to remember! Holiday Heroes put together Valentine’s Day themed activity boxes filled with crafts for our kids to enjoy.

Thank you SHE 100.3 and Holiday Heroes for making this Valentine’s Day so special for our patients!

This story was featured in the February 2021 issue of eCurrents. Read the full issue here.