Healing Hearts Together

February is American Heart Month, and we have two incredibly special cardiac patients at La Rabida right now. Dante, who is 14 months old, and Tru, who is just a few months older, both have incredibly complex medical histories, including recent heart procedures. And, because of their proximity in age and similar medical connections, their moms have become close, regularly checking in on each other’s little one when visiting La Rabida.

Dante (pictured right) was born with congenital heart defects including hypoplastic right ventricle. This means that his heart’s right side is underdeveloped and too small to work properly. The right ventricle is supposed to pump oxygen-poor blood to the lungs to get oxygen. When it’s too small or weak, it can’t do its job well. Dante has undergone a surgical procedure called a "bidirectional Glenn" to partially correct the heart condition and improve blood flow.

Recovering from that procedure is a lot on its own, but Dante also relies on a tracheostomy (a tube placed in the throat) and a ventilator (a machine that helps him breathe), suffers from pulmonary hypertension, and is dependent on a GT tube for nourishment. But none of this is stopping him! He is an incredibly strong and social baby and has made great strides since being admitted to La Rabida. His mother has been an incredible advocate for her son since he was born, and both mom and dad have completed their caregiver training and are ready to take Dante home soon!



Down the hall, 18-month-old Tru (pictured left) also has a complex cardiac history, including hypoplastic left heart variant. He had also had a Glenn procedure to reroute blood flow from the upper body to the lungs. Tru also faces a condition called subglottic stenosis (a narrowing of the airway just below the vocal cords), which means he, too, relies on a tracheostomy and ventilator to breathe.

Tru was also born with cleft lip and palate, and with all of these conditions one would imagine it would be difficult to meet developmental milestones. But, while he certainly faces challenges and delays, Tru has surprised our development and medical teams in so many ways. He is one of the most social toddlers at La Rabida despite never having been home! His mother is lovely and deeply committed to being Tru’s caregiver, and his father is going to be trained as well.

Having these two amazing kids meet at La Rabida and face their struggles together has been more than touching. With the support of each other, Dante and Tru’s mothers have found strength in each other and both children and families are better for it! Happy Heart Month Indeed!!

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